
看电影学英语|消失的爱人,Gone Girl

看电影学英语|消失的爱人,Gone Girl


消失的爱人根据吉莉安·弗琳(Gillian Flynn)的同名小说改编。

剧情简介 synopsis

结婚五周年纪念日的早上,尼克·邓恩(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)来到妹妹玛戈(凯莉·库恩 Carrie Coon 饰)的酒吧,咒骂抱怨那个曾经彼此恩爱缠绵的妻子艾米(罗莎蒙德·派克 Rosamund Pike 饰)以及全然看不见希望的婚姻。

Fifth wedding anniversary in the morning, Nick dunn (Ben Affleck) came to her sister, margot (Carrie Coon) bar, cursed the wife Amy complain the once love lingering,(Rosamund Pike, Rosamund Pike),and completely invisible hope marriage.

当他返回家中时,却发现客厅留下了暴行的痕迹,而妻子竟不见了踪影。女探员朗达·邦妮(金·迪肯斯 Kim Dickens 饰)接到报案后赶来调查,而现场留下的种种蛛丝马迹似乎昭示着这并非是一件寻常的失踪案,其背后或许隐藏着裂变于夫妻之情的谋杀罪行。艾米的失踪通过媒体大肆渲染和妄加揣测很快闻名全国,品行不端的尼克被推上风口浪尖,至今不见踪影的爱人对他进行无情审判,你侬我侬的甜言蜜语早已化作以血洗血的复仇与折磨……

When he came back to home, he found that the living room had left behind an atrocity, and the wife had disappeared. Female agents lang da bonnie (Kim Dickens) report came after the investigation, it seems that the various clues left by the herald this is not an unusual disappearance, it may be hidden behind the fission in the couple of murder. Amy"s missing through the media hype and speculating nationally known soon, don"t conduct the Nick be put at the forefront, have not been seen to love him ruthlessly trial, sweet words already into to annihilate the blood revenge and suffering...

网友评价:The net friend evaluation


So cool that you don"t need friends. No one is innocent of a dog bite. I like the man asking why we want to destroy the other person when they hurt each other because that"s the marriage. In the end, I thought that one of the two would eventually kill the other, but it was a more frightening ending.

“我爱过你,可后来我们做的一切就只有互相怨恨、互相控制,带给我们的只有痛苦…这就是婚姻” 大卫·芬奇近几年最具观赏性的惊悚悬疑片,水准直抵《七宗罪》,观感介于《危情十日》《登堂入室》之间,手脚发麻,牛逼到停不下来,2014年度十佳。“当两个人相爱,但无法幸福,这才是真正的悲剧。”

"I love you, but then everything we do is only hate each other, mutual control and bring our only pain... this is marriage" It is the most entertaining thriller suspense of David fincher in recent years , level reaches 《the seven deadly SINS》, perception between 《the knight》 and 《10 "enter"》, between the hands and feet numbness, cow force to stop, the 2014 top ten. "When two people fall in love, but they cannot be happy, that is the real tragedy."


It"s more like a thriller, and even if you"ve read a novel, you"re still in the middle of a story. A good adaptation, a few plot twists are very arresting, and a modest increase in the more dramatic elements. Rosamund pike"s excellent performance was a great addition to the film and the score was excellent. The film"s intense satire and black hole plot will introduce you into the dark. Why did we become so..




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