
《我们诞生在中国》美国热映 大熊猫、金丝猴、雪豹海外圈粉

《我们诞生在中国》美国热映 大熊猫、金丝猴、雪豹海外圈粉

美国当地时间4月21日,由中国导演陆川执导,迪士尼自然跨国团队历时3年打造的自然题材电影《我们诞生在中国》(Born in China)在美国正式上映。继去年在中国收获广泛好评后,在今年世界地球日的前一天,该片又走进了美国各大影院,用精美的画面和动人的故事征服了不少美国观众。



Mei Mei is a star baby whose love-smothering first-time mother, Ya Ya, runs the roost in Sichuan"s Wolong National Nature Reserve. But the roly-poly Mei Mei still demands to make it on her own as she climbs trees.明星宝宝美美和妈妈大熊猫丫丫居住在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区栖息地。初为人母的丫丫非常疼爱美美,但是小胖球美美仍然需要自己学习爬树。

The resulting falls (into rocks, into trees) and accidental rolls down hills, accompanied by panda sounds, are natural comedy.美美一边叫着,一边摔落到石头和树上、不小心滚下山的样子成了一部天然的喜剧。

"There"s nothing cuter than a baby panda," says Krasinski. "It"s just a fact."卡拉辛斯基(旁白)说:“没有什么比熊猫宝宝更可爱了,真是这样。”

Snow leopards雪豹

"Born in China" cameramen didn"t capture any footage for 90 days, as they learned the movement of snow leopards in China"s Tibetan Plateau, the highest mountain plateau on Earth. But they eventually got an up close and personal look at two cubs. Their play, including biting mom Dawa"s ear, is pure joy in a brutal environment where predators compete for scarce food.中国的青藏高原是世界上最高的高原。《我们诞生在中国》的摄影师得知雪豹在那里活动,不过他们有90天没有捕捉到任何画面。但最终他们终于近距离亲眼看到了两个小家伙。他们在肉食动物为稀缺食物而争斗的残酷环境中嘻嘻玩耍,咬着妈妈达娃的耳朵,这是一种多么纯粹的快乐。

"They are adorable, but it"s even more intense thinking about the harsh conditions the cubs and their mother are under," says Krasinski.卡拉辛斯基说:“他们很可爱,但想到雪豹妈妈和她的幼崽们生活在如此恶劣的条件下,就会更加紧张。”

Golden snub-nosed monkeys川金丝猴

The film follows a young acrobatic male named Tao Tao and his scene-stealing younger sister near the Yangtze River in central China"s Shennongjia Forest. The sister is so precious that their parents focus entirely on her, leaving Tao Tao confused and out of the mix. He comes back around to complete the family and even saves his sister from a hawk.电影讲述了华中地区长江流域附近神农架林区一只年轻有活力的雄性金丝猴淘淘和他抢镜的妹妹的故事。淘淘的妹妹非常的宝贝,以至于父母将全部的注意力放在了妹妹身上。这让淘淘感到不解,他离家出走了。最终,淘淘回来和家人团聚,甚至从老鹰爪下救出了妹妹。

One insanely cute young monkey game involves simply falling through branches to the ground and climbing back up again for more.无敌可爱的小猴子的一项游戏就是从树枝上掉到地上,然后再爬上去。







美联社:The magic of nature and its wildlife often takes great patience for the humans who want to revel in it. Disneynature"s new film, "Born in China," is a perfect example of that. 大自然及野生动物的神奇常常需要渴望沉醉其中的人类付出极大的耐心。“迪士尼自然”网站拍摄的纪录片《我们诞生在中国》就是一个完美的例子。

《今日美国》:There are many reasons to explore Disneynature"s Born in China, which offers a rare look into the country"s vast natural world.我们有很多理由去探索《我们诞生在中国》这部影片,它让我们看到了中国极其罕见的自然世界。

《纽约每日新闻》:As it traces a year in the lives of three adorable animal families - panda, golden snub-nosed monkey and snow leopard - Dinseynature"s “Born In China” consistently delivers an amazing eyeful. 在追踪了熊猫、川金丝猴、雪豹三个可爱的动物家庭一年的生活轨迹后,迪士尼自然的《我们诞生在中国》一如既往地为观众带来了令人惊叹的作品。

《纽约时报》:Footage of a long migration by the females of a herd to a calving ground and the arrival of a calf is among the most remarkable in the movie. 全片中最震撼的是一群母藏羚羊长途迁徙前往生育地以及一只幼崽降生的画面。



综合中国日报微信公众号、《芝加哥太阳时报》等报道编辑:董静 赵晨雁审校:yaning



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